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Choosing the best Shopify print on demand companies for your business can be a daunting task. There is so much information available and so many companies offering the same thing that it makes it hard to just pull the trigger and choose one.
I know this because I've been in the same position. However, I am in the lucky position of having been in the industry since it began back in 2014 and have first-hand knowledge of most of them. Either by knowing the marketers who started the print-on-demand companies or by using them myself.
Right now I am in a massive growth period, and questions I knew were being asked are the same ones continually being asked today. Anything from “what is the best print on demand websites?”, “who has the best print on demand shirts?”, “What is the quality like of [insert company name here]?”
In this article, I am going to answer these questions and remove some of the confusion you will be feeling. Follow along to learn;
- The decision about the quality of products
- The Best Print on Demand Companies Built By Marketers for Marketers
- What should you look for in a print on demand company
- Which print on demand companies integrate with Etsy
The Shopify print on demand companies I include in this list will include the following;
- Shipping Time
- Unique Features
- Catalog Overview
- Favorite Product
The Shopify Print on Demand Companies Built By Marketers
If you've followed me you will know I am an internet marketer at heart first. The brand building comes second. Internet marketers are effectively the self-taught marketers who find the hacks and shortcuts to success.
We look for the shortest possible route between people first meeting us (or our products) to someone making a purchase from us. There is no relationship building. The first introduction is when internet marketers (particularly in POD) find their most conversions popping.
This makes print on demand different from other forms of ecommerce. We start by testing designs and keep testing until we find a winner in a known niche. We are typically not the ones that have the product to start with i.e. Candles, Essential Oils, Streetwear, etc
Print on Demand Marketers are Made Different
We know our audience well before starting, we choose our niches, then we go about designing products for that person. Oftentimes a shirt that moments earlier our target didn't know existed and now must buy.
When internet marketers choose a Shopify print on demand service for our business this presents as a different offer, we require different things. We aren't concerned with neck tag printing, or packaging, we are concerned with the speed at which our partner can fulfill our orders and retain the top quality we need in order to continue to exist online.
The decision about the quality of print on demand products
I get this question a lot. “What is the quality of their products?”, whenever I recommend
any print on demand companies.
It is in every companies best interest to ensure quality is top-notch. The reason for this is Facebook surveys a portion of our customers that make a purchase from us and gives us a customer feedback score to reflect their answers.
The suppliers we use allow us to maintain a perfect score. On our main, branded Shopify store we maintain 4.8+ year-round.
Why is this important? If our score falls below the penalty threshold then Facebook actively reduces our reach on their platform. Could you imagine a supplier allowing bad products to leave their factories (it does happen from time to time)? Within weeks they would cease to exist…their lifeblood (the marketers driving sales) would be gone, unable to advertise.
Etsy has its review system in place on its platform as well. With unhappy customers, poor reviews start to come in and 1 of 2 things will happen. Etsy will ban you or stop promoting you in their search results.
It's in these companies' best interest to ensure everything they do is the best it can be. Printing, product quality, shipping times…
The Print on Demand Companies Built By Marketers for Marketers
ShineOn remains one of my favorite pod companies for a multitude of reasons. Recently we did $732,000 in 3 weeks with ShineOn and wrote a case study outlining the profit we made. As in, what we got in our pocket once all was said and done.
Their profit is some of the highest in the industry when compared to most pod products available and the quality is fantastic.
When it comes to scaling on Facebook, the margin is important. The more profit in a product the deeper you can go with your CPA.
- Shipping Time
All products ship from Tampa Florida which significantly reduces shipping time. Products are usually shipped within 3-5 days. Occasionally that time does blow out as you would expect as it gets closer to holiday cut-offs.
We've been able to sell up to 5 days before holidays like Christmas, Valentine's Day etc. This is huge when it comes to scaling as it's in these periods that we make the most money as marketers. - Unique Features
What ShineOn does incredibly well is their desire to continually innovate withnew products, the optimization of sales pages, add up-sells and so much more. Everything they do is to give their marketers more ability to sell better print on demand products, with more margin. What stands out the most?
- You can sell on either their platform with custom domains or on Shopify with their app.
- The sales page has converted up 12.5% at times which is MASSIVE compared to our standard Shopify sales pages selling apparel… which typically sits at 2-3%.
- Catalog OverviewThe ShineOn catalog is forever growing and John Burgess is doing an amazing job sourcing new products. They've recently added metal art (I'd like to think I had something to do with that) and constantly add new gear.
- Print Cards – (We've done 7 figures with these. Love Know & Alluring Beauty)
- 3d Jewelry – (We've done 7 figures with the heart pendants)
- Keychains
- Metal Art
- Stainless Steel Watches
- Bangles & so much more
- Favorite Product
The Alluring Beauty with the Mahogany box would have to be my favorite as we've so many and the feedback has been fantastic.
- Shipping Time
[maxbutton id=”16″ url=”https://www.storehacks.com/shineon” text=”GET SHINEON” ]
For success in POD, you need a couple of things. A product that stands out and grabs attention, and designs/phrases that do the same. When you have both you have the makings of a very big business. Look at Oodie, Piper Lou Collection, and an ever-growing number of POD businesses (that may or may not be POD anymore).
Subliminator has done a great job of being hyper-specific to sublimation prints. Hicham started out as a marketer himself and knew that there was a huge opportunity in products of this type.
I have not sold many Subliminator products yet purely based on time but if you're looking to do Ugly Sweaters for Christmas you can't go past Subliminator.
- Shipping Time
It typically takes 6-7 business days for each product to be printed, cut, and sewn. Depending on where the item is to be shipped can take up to 17 days for the more remote areas. Generally, items are delivered in 7-10 days.
People are definitely willing to wait for products of this type so do not worry if you are put off by that in particular. Make sure that wherever you're selling the items that you are stipulating that your shipping time is a bit longer.
- Unique Features
One of the features I absolutely love is that there is a ton of predesigned art available tohelp start you off. Oh, and of course sublimation is a unique feature.
- Catalog Overview
Subliminator have a ton of products available;- Allover print/sublimated Hoodies
- Baseball Jerseys
- Swimwear
- Oversized hoodies
- Pet hoodies
- Favorite Product
The oversized hoodies for sure in both adults and kids. Davie Fogarty recently shared his sales numbers from the Oodie and he had done $50,000,000 in revenue to June 2021! The Oodies are great, but they aren't as niche-specific as what internet marketers can do!
From memory, ViralStyle was the first platform that started up after Teespring way back in 2015. Tom Bell has absolutely crushed it and continues to do so. The site is sleek, got a killer name, and as with the others has a ton of products to choose from.
Tom's also started a TikTok account and shares some of the wins of his sellers and occasionally drops some killer tips. Tom is an absolute baller of a marketer in his own right and absolutely crushed it before venturing into fulfillment. It's this thinking that helps the platform stay cutting edge.
- Shipping Time
Most items are printed, packaged, and shipped within 3-5 days. At peak times this can start to creep up to 7-14. - Unique Features
ViralStyle has its own marketplace that allows you to not only upload to their platform (which is another unique feature) but allows you to sell products organically through their website. - Catalog Overview
- Apparel
- Jewelry
- Face masks
- Mugs
- Clocks
- Drinkware
- Footwear
I'm not exactly sure when Teelaunch started, however, recently I've found myself absolutely loving what they're doing. They are leading the pack in terms of functionality, product offering, and usability.
If you have seen my TikTok's you'll know that I promote them heavily and that's because what they offer is sensational. Christopher, himself, was a gun marketer before he delved into the fulfillment space and knows its innovative products that keep us ahead of the curve…and of course ahead of the competition.
- Shipping Time
- Unique Features
I'd have to say one of their unique features would have to be the product catalog. It's cutting edge, offering new pieces all the time. From electronics to yard signs to hall runners and so much more in between. What I really love is their Etsy integration though that allows you to connect directly into Etsy whether you're on their standalone platform or running a Shopify store.
- Catalog Overview
I don't want to spoil the fun for you. But here are my favorite pieces and the ones I think have virality potential;
- Stainless steel tumblers
- Hall runners (rugs)
- Pet pillows
- Yard signs
- metal camping mug
- Bluetooth headphones are sick too
This list would not be complete without GearBubble. If anyone could be named as responsible for the Print on Demand industry as we know it Don Wilson would have to be the man. He was the first to introduce this style of selling to his internet marketing brethren. Need I say that not only did it catch on, it blew up and the industry has continued to grow ever since.
Don originally had a course “FB Ads Cracked” that showed, not only me but thousands of other marketers that it was possible to make incredible money online. In turn in made Teespring a massive company and paved the way for Shopify to come in and change the industry once again.
GearBubble is an internet marketer's dream and whilst I don't sell too much on their platform I have mates that continue to and do a very good job doing it.
- Shipping Time
Depending on the level of customization orders are typically delivered in 7-12 business days. In most cases, items ship much faster. - Unique Features
As I stated a moment ago, GearBubble has been created by the master of marketing. Every part of the platform and product selection has been designed with conversions in mind. Every color, every button, everything has been test to make sure the conversion rate is exceptionally high.
The other unique feature…which I think is more of a gift to other marketers is the best sellers section of the site that shows what products are selling and how many units have sold. This helps in you being able to create new, unique pieces with elements of winners that are already crushing. - Catalog Overview
The products of note…that are overwhelmingly the ones that are selling;- Mugs
- Apparel
- Jewelry
What should you look for in a print-on-demand company?
This question comes down to what it is you're actually wanting to achieve. If you're wanting to build a streetwear brand these companies will not be your first choice. Streetwear requires a certain style of fashion, a look that's not akin to internet marketing.
These platforms cater to those who want to start a business that can scale fast. A streetwear brand typically will take a lot longer before you reach profitability. There are cases, however, that will cut this ramp up out. If you're an influencer or if you've already got an audience then perhaps another company would be more up your alley.
If you want to start a business with a product and design that can scale really fast then these Shopify print on demand companies are your go-to. They will be able to not only ensure they can fulfill your orders fast but also have the necessary products and features built into their platforms that facilitate that explosive growth.
Which print on demand companies integrate with Etsy
There is a massive opportunity right now with Print on Demand and Etsy. By reviewing POD keywords on eRank you can quickly see there is a lot of low competition products in niches that are ripe for the taking.
Most, if not all, have plans to integrate directly into Etsy. Teelaunch is already set up and allows you to sell with or without a Shopify account. For new marketers, this is a fantastic and super low-cost way of getting started in the industry.
For 20 cents a pop, you can list new designs, optimize the product and continually add to your catalog in search of finding your winners.
GearBubble also offers direct integration as well, however, this comes at a cost. GearBubble Pro comes with a bunch of extra features that will make your life much easier when it comes to closing sales.
That's it
If I've missed any companies that were started by internet marketers be sure to let me know. In the near future, there may be a new Aussie-based one if Suhail and I ever decide to pull our finger out and launch it.
Not every company is perfect, each one has its own set of challenges that they are forever having to solve. This is the mark of a great company, the ones that meet their problems head on and work to solving them.
If you have any questions or would like to add your thoughts to this article make sure you comment below. I am always happy to talk about POD.