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“Holy shit, what now”, pretty much sums up my response to every post or article that I read currently bombarding my devices. It’s hard to tune out, and it’s even harder to put to the back of your mind when you know how hard the economy is being smashed or if it’ll exist as we know it next week…

Every day brings more hurt to wall street and the stock markets across the world, more job losses, more deaths, and so on and so forth. It really is a lot to take in.

If you’ve ever experienced anxiety (and as a marketer I am sure you have dealt with more than your fair share…need I say disabled ad accounts?) you’ll be well accustomed to living outside of your comfort zone, it’s not fun, but it’s where we find the most growth as individuals, business owners, and entrepreneurs.

Internet marketers are perfectly situated to make the most of this situation, we now know how to isolate ourselves (thanks to COVID), and we know how to run a business from the comfort of our own homes.

This is our opportunity, it is our time to face adversity head-on and take the bull by the horns. Being an internet marketer allows you the ability to pivot quickly, or if you’re just starting, becoming one might see you never have to return to work again.

In this article, I am going to share with you how to not only survive but thrive with POD through this coming recession.

What you're about to learn…

    • The Bulletproof POD Mindset
    • The Low Hanging Fruit
    • The Profitable Etsy Archive
    • The Top Industries/Niches That Don’t Just Grow but Boom in Recession
    • The Top 6 Products That You Must Test Now
    • How to Learn to Sell Online Fast
    • The Number 1 Reason You Must Sell These Particular Products!
    • The Best POD Platforms in 2022

The Bulletproof POD Mindset

As my students and many of you know I am HUGELY passionate about the power of our minds. Whether I think I can or I think I can't I am right and this applies like never before. I genuinely believe that I can still achieve my financial and business goals through recession, pandemics, or anything else that may come our way.

Meditating, visualizing, journaling, and having your goal clearly at the forefront of your mind whilst you get to work allows you to strip away the noise.

But if you're struggling to stay focused…install a Facebook Newsfeed blocker, if you hear the word “recession” on a video on TikTok SCROLL ON, and for God's sake do not read the news!

It's one thing to be aware of what's going on in the world, but you don't need the constant bombardment that drives us to misery!

The Low Hanging Fruit

TikTok & Shortform Video

Finding the low-hanging fruit to help supercharge your success does just that… duh. So right now, where can you find it?

TikTok and short-form video is blowing up. New accounts are going viral all the time and there is a simple method to doing so. With TikTok specifically, you can search for what is trending and getting the most engagement in the past week, month, 3 months, and so on which helps you to create content for your own “business”.

If you have a niche in mind (if not, download my FREE 1000+ Niche List eBook Here) choose one, and then do some research on TikTok and start creating your videos! It's quite simple once you get stuck into it!

Creating a popular social media channel has never been easier. By creating one in your niche you're able to keep your ad costs down. Paired with POD it is the perfect little side income project!

Exploring Europe

Given that for the past 7 years the only real POD Europe has seen is Apparel. They may be experiencing the hardships the rest of the world is but we, as internet marketers are able to speak to them on the emotional level that will have them buying our products.

Where there is a barrier to entry there are fewer people. I am creating my own German store and will have my designs translated to learn a new way of selling online. It's not easy, but it is worth it and I cannot wait until my virtual doors fly open!

ShineOn and OwnPrint both have POD jewelry over in the EU which gives us direct access to the market! Get on it now.

The Profitable Etsy Archive

I am a firm believer in building a brand, and my particular print on demand strategy focuses on Shopify being the center of the web.

Outside of that placing our products on Marketplaces where people are actively searching for them is a no-brainer. I haven't ventured (at least not far…yet) into Amazon, however, Etsy has been quite kind to me over the last few years.

With each listing only costing 20 cents, optimizing all our products that have been published to Shopify and giving them a second chance to make sales for us is really a no-brainer.

So, use Etsy as your backstop to raise that bottom line whilst you still test your products with Facebook & TikTok ads. Now, if you're about to launch a store and you're not sure of what niche to focus on have a read of this article first.

The Top Industries/Niches That Don’t Just Grow but Boom in Recession

This is probably the main reason you’re taking a look at this article. What niches boom in recession. Everything in the world right now is incredibly dynamic, every day throws us a new challenge. 

Finding opportunities amongst the noise can be quite difficult until you stand back and become a little more objective. The worst thing you could be doing right now is nothing. We need to keep our minds active and focused on a task. 

With that in mind, thinking critically about the direction to launch or start a business is critical to your success over the coming months.

Ecommerce is your gateway to self-reliance and no longer having to wait to hear if you’ve lost a job, worry about the food on the table, or whether we'll need to line up for welfare.

Below I am going to list out what niches stand to explode and what kind of products we should all be testing for the best chance of success in 2022.

Law Enforcement

It’s no wonder that in a recession law enforcement booms. Given that we are entering a recession that’s bound to give The Great Depression a run for its money you can certainly see how and why we would need more law enforcement on our streets.

NYPD Motorcycle Police

With people losing jobs, the ever-present homeless situation, and not everyone able to access welfare, crime skyrockets.

If you’re already in this niche you should double down and create the products that the Police and Law Enforcement absolutely must have. Thin Blue Line products have performed exceptionally well over the years, there is no reason for them to slow down now.

Thin Blue Line Tumbler

I have been in this niche for a while and there are several products that we have seen great success with over the years.


      • Police Officers
      • Sheriffs
      • Corrections Officer
      • Deputy
      • Trooper

What’s the Angle?

Law enforcement is made up of a passionate and dedicated bunch of folks who risk their lives every day going to work. They are incredibly proud of their jobs and often times law enforcement is a multi-generational career choice. Meaning, that targeting someone in law enforcement has a great chance of finding family members.

Targeting the wives, mothers, fathers, and other family members are your ticket into this niche. Think Jewelry “To My Police Mom…”, “To My Police Dad…”. 

Products You MUST Test;

Keep in mind that you want to aim to have at least $25+ profit per sale so choose your products wisely.

    • ShineOn
    • Blankets (Personalized) by CustomCat
    • Apparel (Personalized)by CustomCat
    • Canvas (Personalized) by Dreamship

Security Services

Much the same as law enforcement, with crime rate set to skyrocket security companies will be called in to ensure buildings and properties are protected. This industry will boom, however, the only downfall with security services is they aren’t often paid exceptionally well.

If you have products that have sold well for police, testing security guards should definitely be on your list of niches to test.

Products You MUST Test;

    • Coffee Mugs by CustomCat
    • Tumblers
    • Apparel

Mechanics & Auto Repair

When times are tough mechanics see a massive rise in business as fewer people can afford new cars. People tighten their belts and are forced into survival mode. 

Auto repair

Jobs are oftentimes lost and as such people need to have a reliable car to actively job hunt. In order to get about day to day, people will spend more maintaining the car they have.

It makes sense to spend a little on the maintenance of their car to keep it running than the full-on cost of purchasing a new vehicle.

With business set to boom when we all go back to work those who own auto-shops will have to deal with the influx of customers. To do this they must hire more mechanics and as such a nice little profitable niche reemerges with a high chance of success.


Products You MUST Test;

    • 100% All Over Print Apparel by AOP+. Mechanics are proud of their trade and as such love telling everyone what they do and how annoying customers can be.
    • Print on Metal Wall Art

Accountants & Bookkeepers

No matter what state the economy is in, people & businesses must pay their taxes. This is even more important in tougher times where people need to make sure they can squeeze as many dollars out of their income as possible.

Accountants usually see an increase in clients as people seek out a professional to help them make the most of all tax benefits available to them and have a clear understanding of their incomings and outgoings.

Products You MUST Test;

    • Coffee mugs for sure
    • Apparel

Health Care Workers

These guys have always been superheroes and even moreso over the past few years. Doctors, Nurses, and all the staff in between. They are on the frontline, fighting Public Enemy #1 head-on and helping to save as many lives as possible.

Covid 19 nurses appeal

They will not only emerge victorious when this is all over, but they will also emerge even more passionate than they were beforehand, and rightly so. Heck, I want to high-5 them all and give them a pat on the back with a heartfelt “thank you.”

The support from the community, government, and politicians will mean they will want to spend money on things for themselves as well as people giving them gifts.

As Facebook gets harder to target (they keep removing interests) targeting nurses specifically to buy for themselves will be key or nurses buying gifts for someone else i.e. Husband, Mother, Father etc. You HAVE to test this niche! 


    • Nurses
      • Student Nurses
      • Enrolled Nurses/EN, Registered Nurses/RN, Pediatric Nurses
    • Doctors
      • Surgeons
      • General practitioners
    • Xray Technicians
    • Scientists
    • Paramedics

Products You MUST Test;

  • Jewelry by ShineOn 
  • Oversized Hoodies
  • Sneakers

Veterinary Services

In any season people will spend a lot of money on their pets to keep their best friends healthy. No matter what the economic climate is, or if we’re in a pandemic, people will pay to keep their animals happy.


I have had personal success in this space with my first Shopify store Need Those Sneakers. Funnily enough, it was the sneakers I was selling that made me a tidy little profit. Their industry may not boom in a recession but it is known as a static industry, that is, one that does not get a negative or positive change.

Storehacks Sneakers

Products You MUST Test;



Teachers have had a rough trot over the past few years. They feel incredibly hard done by, and rightly so. They have been putting their lives at risk to keep children educated. 

ecommerce trends 2020

The reason for this is due to the current health advice being that children weren’t negatively affected by the virus. The problem is, that it’s a novel virus (meaning new) which means there isn’t a lot of research available on this particular strain of coronavirus.

Health & Wellness

With health being front of mind in everything that we are currently consuming it’s no wonder this is a niche/industry that is also set to boom. For those who believe in the powers of meditation, essential oils, and other holistic forms of medicine, this is the time they have been waiting for.

Their belief in what they do will be heightened and they will be insatiable for products to bring into their homes to help them feel as healthy as possible. This is not so much a POD product as a dropshipping category but it is still one that is worth a shot. 

Not me running…

In the past 3 years, I have been getting massively into health and fitness and absolutely love getting out on the pavement for a run, putting in the miles or hitting the gym to lift some weight.

When I’m back online I want to learn about it, I want to connect with others that feel that same high. I want the best sneakers, the best running shorts, the best gym gear and I want everyone to know that I'm FIT.

Still not me running…but after walking 6k (on a rest day) I couldn't help myself and I ended up running back.

That is the power of passion. I do this because it’s great for my mental health, my physical health and allows me the time to unwind from the stress of the day. What other niches like health & fitness can you think of? 


    • Running
    • Cycling (if they've already got a bike)
    • Hiking
    • Rowing (if they already have a boat…or access to a tree they can dig out.)
    • Crossfit (be careful around trademarks)

Products You MUST Test;

These sports did not just thrive through the pandemic, they will increase on the other side through the recession as people realize just how important their health really is.

Sports Coaches

Carrying on from health & wellness, sports coaches often see an increase in job opportunities. This is great if you’re in the sports niche or for that matter, love sports. There is a lot on offer for you to choose from.

In times of economic hardship, people still want to have fun, and turning to sport is one of the ways people find themselves living a little more positively.


    • Basketball Coach
    • Baseball Coach
    • Softball Coach
    • American Football Coach
    • Soccer Coach

Doomsday Preppers

It's those guys on the fringe of society that have been preparing for the worst-case scenario. Doomsday preppers have been stockpiling food & ammo in preparation for any number of end-of-world scenarios and a pandemic is high on that list.

In terms of e-commerce trends of 2020, at the start of that year, they wouldn't have even made the list. Now, they are nearing the top of niches that should be tested with new products.

Doomsday Prepper Niche

If you're selling tinned tomatoes you might have a buyer or two, but as this is an article for Print on Demand these are the products I'd try…

Products You MUST Test;

Gun Ownership

Moving on from Doomsday Preppers we need to look at the step before going full prepper. Americans have been insatiable for guns over the years and have proven to be an incredibly lucrative niche for a lot of internet marketers.

My Gun Is Much Bigger Than Yours Funny Mug 1200x1200

The 2nd Amendment has always been relevant and now, it is refreshed on the list of e-commerce trends for 2022. Around the country, gun sales have continued to soar and there have been massive queues to get access to weapons in order for people to remain safe in their homes.

ecommerce trends 2020

The guys that have always been into gun ownership are going to feel even more vindicated in their stoicism on the gun debate. Targeting by pulling on this fact, making them feel bigger than the guys that only just want a gun now would be a smart angle.

Products You MUST Test;

The Roadmap to Creating a 6 Figure Print on Demand Business

There are so many resources and courses available for you to learn how to sell online. The hardest thing to do, however, is to decipher & ensure you’re putting energy into the right one. Nothing beats experience and as with most blogs, they aren’t written by “marketers”. There are so many blogs and articles written from the outside looking in.

With that in mind, the same can be said for courses. Except, there are so-called “guru’s” who profess that they know how to sell based on 1 win. When they stop selling, they turn to building a course. I have always been skeptical of new faces that pop up and I suggest you should be the same.

Your paragraph text

For the first time ever I have put together a Coaching Program based on my years of experience in Print on Demand.

I take you through how to build a trustworthy store that people want to purchase from, how to schedule your weeks, how to research, how to create winning phrases and so much more!

You can find out more by clicking the button below.

[maxbutton id=”18″ text=”Learn More” url=”https://www.podhacks.co” window=”new” nofollow=”true”]

The Best POD Platforms in 2022

This year there are tons of new and old companies crushing with Print on Demand. ShineOn, Teelaun & AOP+ are growing incredibly fast. Having the quality and the trust that goes along with it ensures your customers feel safe shopping with you.


Yes, I am recommending ShineOn once again. I have personally been using these guys since 2016 and have had nothing but positive interactions with the business over the years. Check out this case study where I did over $732,000 in 3 weeks. 

Eric and the team (Krste, Michael, John & Luna all deserve a shout-out) are incredibly innovative and are forever bringing in new and exciting product lines. One of their most recent additions to the product lineup was 3d Jewelry…but, the real ticker with these was the ability to create your own print cards.

I have never ever seen a platform do so much for their merchant community as ShineOn does for theirs.

These print cards sell like you wouldn't believe. Whilst we sold over 10,000 units in the space of a few weeks, Krste was doing about 30% more than us and there were several others that were doing similar numbers to mine.

These cards were how Michael Crist was able to do $94,000 in a single day through Q4 2019! If you haven’t tried these cards yet, I suggest you get onto it asap while the opportunity is still hot!

[maxbutton id=”16″]

Products You MUST Test;

    • Printed Hearts
    • Eternity Love Necklace + Print Cards
    • Openwork Watches


One thing we can all be absolutely certain of at times like this… we can't be certain. It's a very, very dynamic world we're living in right now, a world that will be written into the history books.

I have provided you with my top niches that are worth your attention this year. The e-commerce trends of 2022 will probably change next week but the strategy remains the same. Pick a niche, stick to it, test it and see if you can find the winners you need to find success this year.

If you have any questions or have anything to add, please don't hesitate to comment below. I would love to speak with you. Until then, please share and help others who may be struggling with what to do whilst in self-isolation.



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