101 Ultimate eCommerce Sales Hacks for Success

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Having a list of eCommerce sales hacks has come in incredibly handy for me over the years.  Getting stuck in a rut, hitting the same avenues and getting mediocre results is all something we can stave off with a little knowledge.

Being able to spot when it's happening and having the ability to immediately bring other revenue streams into your orbit go a long way to building a sustainable business. With the holiday season just around the corner, there is no better time to start than right now.

By ironing out those quiet times business becomes more consistent and predictable with a whole lot less stress.

Being able to bring these sales ecommerce sales hacks in when you want to rather than when you need them is key to our longevity in the industry. I've had a lot of this list written down and naturally gravitated towards those we became most comfortable with pursuing.

The list below shows a range of ideas some simple to implement, to others that take some time and the occasional one that requires a lot more commitment to pull off.

However, having a sales hack like these when you need to unlock those hidden pockets of profit can come in very handy.

101 Ultimate eCommerce Sales Hacks for Success This Holiday Season

There are so many great ways to increase profit in your business that it would be impossible to even list it in a “101 Ultimate” guide. Check out Bootstrapping eCommerce for their latest guide “Budget Sales Strategy: How to Increase Your Sales on a Budget” for even more ways to increase that bottom line.

  1. Reach out to other stores in your niche and ask if you can do a joint venture.
  2. Create social profiles on any platform available to you. Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Stumbleupon.
  3. Put a focus on SEO from the beginning, title tags, image alt text, descriptions etc
  4. Create Abandon Cart email flows.
  5. Create an autoresponder series and automate yearly sales, i.e. BFCM, Halloween, Green Monday, Christmas etc
  6. Get into Facebook Messenger Marketing. It's blowing up right now. Check out Manychat.
  7. Put a focus on Retargeting before launching your Top of Funnel Traffic.
  8. Launch at least 25-30 products each week.
  9. Create a mood board and use it for your brand across all channels. Focusing on building a brand at the beginning will have lasting effects.
  10. Get Photo Reviews set up on your store immediately!
  11. Send a thank you card with any product purchases.
  12. Send a thank you email (don't sell anything) and ask for feedback on how you can improve.
  13. Setup a referral program. We have used Sweet Tooth (Now Smile.io) in the past.
  14. Add Trust symbols to your website. McAfee Secure is one of the best known worldwide.
  15. Reach out to influencers to help promote a product.
  16. Set Facebook cutting rules to ensure you're not losing money on your launches.
  17. Hire a designer. Jump on Upwork or Onlinejobs.ph and get a graphic designer for layout of ads and a designer for your Print on Demand products.
  18. Outsource as much work as possible. Outsourcing to a VA the mundane everyday will be worth it in time saved.
  19. Outsource Customer Service. You need to work on product quality and know that the best is being delivered each time. You don't need to know every detail of every request that comes through.
  20. Email often. Don't always be selling. Include relevant articles that fit your niche, awesome recipes, whatever it may be. Think of the old magazine days and then make a day each week for a certain type of email to be sent out.
  21. Piggyback marketing. Reach out to someone in your industry that is complimentary, not a direct competitor. Come up with a marketing campaign and run traffic to your products that advertise both items from both stores.
  22. Use Video ads on Facebook.
  23. Do unboxing videos. People love to see a product being opened.
  24. Create a loyalty program. Again Smile.io can take care of this.
  25. Upsell products that directly relate…i.e. Socks when shoes are purchased. Check out this awesome article on how to use upsells.
  26. Exit intent pop-ups. The abandoned cart rate is ever increasing so being able to get back in contact with a potential customer is a must.
  27. Treat Visitors & Customers differently in your email flows. Nuture each, look after both, but tailor your message to each.
  28. A/B Test your landing pages.
  29. Price test. Many times we have found weird numbers to work better. Sometimes increasing a products price increases the perceived value resulting in higher conversions.
  30. Use Scarcity and Urgency when available. When a promotion is almost finished, let your visitors know through emails and countdown timers.
  31. Be humorous in your emails. We often include jokes to keep the mood light. If people come to know you have a joke in each email they may end up looking for them resulting in higher open and ctr's.
  32. Member's only discounts.
  33. Check out SnapChat to see how it can help you to growth hack your way to success.
  34. Learn to advertise on other platforms.
    – Check out Adespresso's guide on running Instagram ads.
    – Or Neil Patels “How to Drive 328% More Ecommerce Sales Using Pinterest”
  35. Check out the 10 Best Shopify App's for eCommerce.
  36. Make sure your site is loading in less that 2 seconds!
  37. Increase the number of launches you are doing each week.
  38. Research fulfilment agencies. The cheaper/better quality products may be the more money you stand to make.
  39. Get a business partner. 2 minds are better than one. You can do 100% more with a great partner.
  40. Suggest related products.
  41. Regularly update your social feeds. While Facebook is cracking down on a businesses organic reach it's been reported that video has not been affected by the change. Be sure to test that for yourself.
  42. Have a workflow and schedule each day for particular tasks in your store.
  43. Optimise your site for mobile. Chances are you chose a theme that would have been mobile ready. Just double check to make sure.
  44. Build a brand.
  45. Run a targeted giveaway. Giving away a product that you sell is ideal. If people don't win it you still have built a list of targeted individuals.
  46. Run a giveaway for the people who have purchased from you.
  47. Test new products/designs on your customers first.
  48. Learn from the competition. Sign up to mailing lists, even purchase something so you know how their backend works. Learn their email flows, the notifications and the after sales service. Use it as inspiration to craft your own amazing customer service experience.
  49. Do you have an after sales service? Make people aware of it.
  50. Offer flat rate or free shipping. Building shipping into your price will save extra abandoned carts.
  51. Review your descriptions. Clearly stating the problem they have and how your product solves it will increase conversions.
  52. Be consistent in your content delivery across all platforms.
  53. Offer a freebie with a purchase. Something of high perceived value but low cost to you.
  54. Include all your social media handles on any communication. Put thank you cards in any products you send out with all your details. Attach to all emails etc.
  55. Sponsor a contest.
  56. Sell your products on Google Shopping. Learn how here.
  57. Create your own sale holiday.
  58. Optimise for mCommerce…That “m” stands for Mobile. While having a responsive site is great, having a mCommerce site is amazing. Check out Unbound Commerce if you're after a bespoke solution.
  59. Start advertising worldwide. Speak with your fulfilment agency to make sure they ship internationally. This is one of the fastest ways to scale.
  60. When available use video demonstrations for the products.
  61. Offer more discounts.
  62. Showcase your best selling items.
  63. Remember the 80/20 rule. Put 80% of your effort in to your top selling products.
  64. Accept more payment options. Make it as easy as possible for people to check out.
  65. Add a live chat to your website.
  66. Set up a Facebook store.
  67. It's not enough to send one email a day on sales days. Send multiple with urgency, i.e. 12 hours to go, 8 hours to go, 4 hours to go, 1 hour left.
  68. Up your hashtag game. Knowing which #'s sell is another weapon in your arsenal.
  69. Increase conversion rate optimisation.
  70. Create an affiliate program.
  71. Give people more ways to contact you. Phone numbers, emails, chats, socials etc
  72. On that topic…respond immediately.
  73. Offer a money back guarantee.
  74. Create a subscription service.
  75. Invest in the best quality product images. Create your own. If competing with other POD companies invest in getting your own mock ups created.
  76. Where possible give rapid fulfilment. Not always easy…always worth it.
  77. Use an FAQ page.
  78. Use a search field on your store. Shopify tracks searches and you may find gold. Often we have found new niches by keeping an eye on the queries people are looking for.
  79. Use product videos on the sales page.
  80. Don't force customers to register.
  81. Create a blog.
  82. Offer a variety of shipping options.
  83. Use SMS notifications for shipping.
  84. Be transparent with shipping time frames and communicate these clearly before purchase.
  85. Use share tools on your website.
  86. Don't always be selling on social media. You need to be engaging.
  87. Don't use vendor product descriptions!
  88. Create sitemaps. It helps search engines crawl your store.
  89. Put the same design on multiple products. If a design sells well on sneakers, it might sell on bags. Test.
  90. This should have been number 1…but if you haven't you should install conversion tracking! Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc.
  91. This should have been number 2… install google analytics.
  92. Actually talk to your followers on social media. Get involved in the threads, let them get to know you.
  93. Offer a personalised shopping experience. Theres an app for that… LimeSpot.
  94. Incentivise signups. Wheelio is great for that.
  95. Emphasize biggest risk reducers near add to cart button. i.e. Money back guarantee.
  96. Use recently purchased pop-up to help with social proof.
  97. Offer discounted bundles.
  98. Offer wholesale prices.
  99. Use conversio for sending out receipts.
  100. Increase your Average Order Value by creating bundles, cross-selling, or increasing prices.
  101. Create an awesome Returns Policy.


There you have it, the most amazing 101 Ultimate eCommerce Sales Hacks for Success This Holiday Season to help bring massive profits this Q4. It is only through focusing on what works and delegating once it has been systemised do we really start to experience growth.

If you have any more to add to the list, I'd love to hear them.

Preparing for the holiday season

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  1. I am doing POD and I made a design in a particular niche and posted in group related to that niche and got 2 Sales so design must be good . Then I started doing Facebook ads started with post engagement ad and spend about 20 US $ no sales but lot of likes and comments(this was a mistake I should have done conversion ad) Then I started doing conversion ad(with purchase pixel optimized ) for 10$ but no sale. I learned that Facebook need some data to let purchase pixel work so Now I am doing conversion ads(with view content optimized) for 20$ The ads is has got 11 unique link clicks but no sales. I am selling on teespring . Any advice to get atleast one sale from Facebook ads because I just have remaining budget of 25$(I am a teenager so this was my saved money). Any advice??

    • Hey Parth,

      Thanks for the question. Great to see you’re in there running ads. You can’t scale a campaign by hopping from group to group spamming your designs.

      The key factor in this is not to fall in love with your designs, just launch more. If you find that a particular phrase is getting a lot of engagement it may mean it needs a redesign as it may not fit with what your demographic had in mind for it.

      My suggestion however is to aim to launch at least 25 new designs a week and watch the engagement. It’s how you will learn.


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